Meet my brudder, PINOT! :)
Yes, my pawrents named him Pinot.
He was supposed to stay with his family until next week but
my dad and mom were wondering if he was doing ok so they gave a call
to his family. Surprisingly he was doing very well and ready to be adopted
so he was picked up by my pawrents on the same day. :)
This is the last shot of Pinot at his family.
Right after Pinot's arrival.
(Pinot) "Where am I??? Is this my permanent home??"

Me, a big sissy observed his movement.
HI Momo, Congratulations again for being promoted as a big Sister to little Pinot.
Little Pinot is soooooo TINY and soooooo CUTE!!!
Be sure to let him know who is the bos around at home. It will be good to start such training at a young age.
Sissy-Momo, what a cutie our brother is! Kissy, kissy to Pinot. I'm sure you will get used to him being around and have fun together!
YOUR little Pinot is very cute. Don't worry about being a sissy, it will be better every day....
Kisses, Faya
Oh my Momo little Pinot is soooo cute (great name too) - but you will always be a Princess - not only to your pawrents but also to me!!
Luv River
Hi Momo!!!!!
I have been wanting to come see you and meet you for a very long time. Will you be my fren?
You are a bootiful and intelligent CKC girlie, and I'm sure you'll be a FABulous big sissy. Just take your time. (I would say that Pinot won't bite, but he's a pup like I am, and that's what we do).
Tell Pinot I think he's a good lookin' boy and I want to be buds with him too.
Goobette love & tiny kissies,
Princess Momo!
Your life as a princess is NOT over, it is just changing... okay, it's changing a LOT. But, I know that the reason your mom & dad got another CKC is because they are totally in LOVE with YOU!!
Be sure to get some good sniffs in before Pinot gets too big, and don't be afraid to tell him when you don't like his puppy teeth. I've found that the key is to let your new sibling get away with all the little things (taking things out of your mouth if it's not a big deal to you, nipping at your legs, etc.), so that when you tell him off for something important, your parents will remember how sweet you usually are to him & not scold you! If I think of any more advice, I'll let you know.
Oh, yea. Try to run him around as much as possible when you play so it will WEAR HIM OUT! You'll be glad you did!
Goober love & sympathetic smooches,
Isn't he cute - and he doesn't look to have grown at all. But he soon will and he may turn into a little terror if you don't keep your eye on him.
Welcome to your new home Pinot.
Oh Pinot you are a cutie pie and you have a great big sissy.
Have fun together you two.
Hugs and tail wags,
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy
Awww, Pinot is adorable! I'm sure you will like him soon. I mean, you can't not like him forever right? Heeheehee...You will be a good sista & teach him good manners in the house.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Awwwww, your baby brother is incredibly cute (and is he actually smaller than the tennis ball in that picture), but you shouldn't worry - you'll always be your pawrents little princess. I bet you'll be very good friends, you just need to get used to having him around ...
love from Xsara
Pinot is just adorable, Momo! The two of you will have so much fun playing together! Gosh, that tennis ball is as big as he is!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Congratulations on being a big sister. I know it is hard when a little one comes into the house but remember you were #1. That sure is one cutie puppy, what a nice family ya all now have.
To get your mind off of things why not come over and try out for some parts in the CCSI II show. The first cast call is out there and the second one will be out on Tuesday. Check it out it might be the break you need. And since you aren't a little puppy ya are old enough to be in the show, ha, ha, ha, hope to see ya soon.
Mom is drooling because Pinot is very cute. Is that Pinot Grigio or Pinot Noir. She prefers Pinot Noir.
Got any marrow bones left? I mean because I can take them off your paws while they're still good if you want.
Oh my goodness, Pinot is so adorable! I think you will have loads of fun with your baby brother once you get used to him. And you can still be a princess!
Thanks so much for all of prayers and thoughts. The boys are all doing well in their new homes and I still habe my Mona with me. I am much better and have gone back to work.
Congratulations on your new family member Pinot.
God Bless.....the Mommy
I'm suwe you will aways be Daddi's little giwl!!!
welcome little pinot, you suwe awe cute! that's a lovely bed you have too!I hope you two have lots of fun togethew once you settle in
smoochie kissess
oh my god - Pinot is adorable! And the two of you together is just precious! Looking forward to reading about all of your wonderful adventures together!
Hi, Momo
Pinot is soooo adorable. I am sure you two will get used to each other in no time and will have tons of fun together!
Let us know how it goes ok?
Have a nice day
Congratulations :-)
Now, you can play with Pinot when Mommy and Daddy are busy.
Hi Momo, oh Congratulations on your new baby brother. he is very very very cute and Pinot is such a nice name for him. we know you two will become best of friends. we are anxious to hear more about him and you. have you given him a good sniffing yet?
Hi sissy-Momo,
I was just editing my post and you were already there! Are you a bit more used to having the little one around?
Aww....Pinot is so cute!!!!!
I like him, he is super cute. Dont worried Momo, you are still the princess and he is the prince. Hehehe..both of you look so blur but Im sure you two will get along pretty well soon.
By the way, are you coming to the spsace pawty?? Its 30Nov, this Fri. Not 31.12.07, its my fault, typo error...hehe
sorry i got to shout coz pinot is soooooooooo cute! don't worry momo, i'm sure you'll get used to pinot after a week. i did the same to dopey too. but we become fast friends.
wet wet licks
Congrates on being a big sissy now Momo. Little Pinot is so cute. Will you give him a kiss for me
~ Girl girl
Hi Momo!!! your little pinot is very cute... but you are more cute...:) I think that you need time, i hope that you´ll be very happy with you new brother!!!
Love, Chloe
hey, congratulations....u got urself a new brother..
i know u must be a very good sister..
Oh my dog, this Pinot is so cute! And compared to the ball he is so small!
I'm sure you will have lots of fun with that little cute puppy!
Hugs & Kisses Alex
Oh, congrats Momo!! Little Pinot is so cute, adorable like a little dolly. You seem to be confused. You will get along and play with him soon.,I'm sure of it. Looking forward to see the how you and Pinot doing.
Amber :)
OMD!.. i didn't know u have a brudder now!.. welcome Pinot!.. he is so cute!... oh.. i wanna give him a bite!.. oops.. sorry a kiss!
anyway.. am so happy for u Momo..
OMG!!!! Momo!
Congratulations! Your Baby Brother is precious!!!!!!!! You will ease into being a BIG sister! I sure have! Try some Nannying maybe!!!!!! Talk to you soonest!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
Oh dog, Pinot is just so cute. You are going to be a great big sister. I am sure it is a little confusing and weird at first, but I bet you will both have a lot of fun together!
Love Clover xo
Aw, he's cute, but Momo I can sympathise at having your nose put out of joint, but fear not. If your ma and pa are like mine, you'll still get lots and lots of love!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
oh my gosh. oh my gosh. oh my gosh. your brother is such a cutie patootie i can't hardly stand it!!
we've been fostering a baby kitty at our house until saturday and he is cute too.
no worries momo, you'll always be daddy's princess. your brother will be a prince! have you given him any nosekissys yet???
you know, tara, princess meezer recently got a little brother. maybe she can give you some pointers on "big sister" stuff like training the little guy to take the blame for your "exploring" ha ha ha
Hi sissy-Momo, this is my daily check-in to see how you and 'our' baby brother are doing. Hope to see more of you two soon once he ahs settled in.
Purrrrrs from your sissy.
Hi Momo! Your little brother is so cute! I am certain you will be a good sister to him e you two will have lots of fun together!
Love and licks
woofies Momo and little Pinot!! dont worrwy momo u gonna b a twerrific big sissy...u just had to size him up a bit...he iz a cutie but u iz too..watt funn u gonna have wiff a built in playmate...
b safe,
WAKE UP! WAKE UP!! Good news, I just received word from the writer and he has written a new part in the CCSI II story and ya are in the show!!! You will be a talking Xmas tree!!!!! I am so happy to be able to work with ya again. Your new baby in the house is too little at this time. Besides you need your own special things to do. I am so happy!!!!! I need you to mail me two photos of yourslef, send those to me at my e-mail address, there is a link on my blog. CONGRATS
Congratulations Momo! You're a big sister! Pinot is SOOO cute!
Hey, did you see that? You are going to be a Talking Christmas Tree in the CCSI new show. That is absolutely pawsome. SS has a sister who talks and talks but I have a sissy who is a Talking Tree! Just beat that!
Kisses and lickies from your Sissy-MoMo
Hi Momo,
Congratulation for being promoted as a big sister. Little pinot is very very cute! Love his colour. I am sure you guys will get along very well soon, just like me & kero. :)
shushu & kero
Btw, I have added you to my fren list. Kero will be happy to know another ckcs. Hope you don't mind. :)
Pinot is the cutest! Momo is the most beautiful, of cos!
Pinot is such a tiny little one now! U have to take care of him ok MoMo
How are you getting along? Are you getting used to each other? I can't wait for more pictures of you two - I just love cavaliers, I was considering one before I got Xsara!
oh Momo! Pinot is soooooo tiny but beautiful! My Jeannie says if he was a glass of Pinot, she sure would want a bigger glass than him!
But he is lovely! I hope you both have a wonderful life together!
love and envious licks, (I would love a bruv or sis, but the pawrents are not to be pursuaded, keep me posted how it goes perhaps we can change their minds!)
Only Dog Marvin, signing off with love and licks to you all!
Welcome home Pinot!!! You are a cutie...and Momo you are going to be a great big sissy!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hi Momo
My mum was smiling so much looking at all your photos. Pinot is such a cutie, just like you. You'll have so much fun together when he gets bigger.
Love from Hammer
Congratulations!!!! YOu are gonna make a great big sister, Pinot is so lucky to have you to learn from.
Frenchie Snorts
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